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Sleeping Teddy

Disco Bunny and Von playing


Disco Bunny and Von

March 02 2022   –   Way last year, around the beginning of summer, Foxy Girl went out for the night and never came back. I did all the usual things to find her, including constantly checking the website of the local animal shelter. Month after month, no luck. Then this morning I got a call from the shelter saying they had Foxy Girl who they identified with her microchip. I went right down there to pick her up. They said for a few weeks they had been seeing a little gray longhaired cat hanging around the shelter where they leave food out for the feral cats that are around there. They decided to trap her and discovered the microchip. Everyone at the shelter was so happy to get Foxy Girl back to her home. I can’t tell you happy I am. She’s settled down and was purring up a storm while I took off the tangles she had behind her ears. She really went after the food I set out. I’m keeping her inside for a while so she can get reacquainted with all the other cats. I’ll also hit her with an application of Revolution to kill any fleas or ear mites she might have and then an application of Profender for any internal parasites she might have picked up. Overall though, she looks to be in pretty good shape. I’m so happy to have her home.

This Foxy Girl before she disappeared…

Tatiana, Disco Bunny, SpitKitty and Dapple  Nov 19 2021

Foxy Girl and Tatiana in kitchen drawer ... Mar 24 2021


Sassy … Feb 18 2021

Shimmer relaxing in the kitchen … Feb 11 2021

Buffy on new cat tree … Jan 19 2021

Tommy on new cat tree … Jan 21 2021


Buffy in his winter fuzzies…

Huggy Bear and Jet on my computer desk…

Jade, Jet and Spit Kitty…